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Otravista is a small consultancy which was established in 2002. The two partners have many years’ experience of generating funding from UK and European programmes through bids and competitive tenders.  We work across many sectors and we have specialist experience in the creative industries, education and supporting entrepreneurs and tech startups. We have developed and managed projects with a wide range of clients in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors in the UK and Europe, including government and national agencies, local authorities, industry and community organisations, NGOs, colleges and universities. These projects have supported:

  • Cross-sector co-operation:  Creating opportunities for organisations from business, education and the third sector to work together on knowledge transfer, raising skills levels, building capacity and enhancing the lives of communities and individuals

  • Enterprise and entrepreneurship:  Helping tech start-ups to access grant funding (including innovation grants) and helping other small businesses/social enterprises to grow, compete and become sustainable within a rapidly changing economy. We also foster creative and entrepreneurial approaches within education and training


  • National and International partnerships and consortiums: Facilitating collaboration between organisations within the UK and in other parts of the world for the exchange of knowledge, experience, policy and global learning

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